After the holiday excitement, it’s easy to get stuck in a “wake up – eat – go to work – come home – watch TV – go to bed – repeat” kind of routine. Some people have Valentine’s Day to look forward to, others have winter vacations to give them a chance for a breather, but what do you do when your next three day weekend is in February or even as late as May? It’s time to break up your routine and give your mind a break from days and days of work. It’s time to visit our tanning salon!
If you want a mini break from your day, come visit Nova Tans in Windsor for a few minutes in one of our deluxe tanning beds. You can plug in some headphones and imagine yourself lying on a beach at some remote location. Or you can simply stop by and have a chat with one of our tanning salon experts. We’re more than happy to lend an ear so you can vent about the ski conditions in the mountains.